Saturday 20 April 2013

No 3 - The Loneliness of the Long Distance Film Watcher......

I only like watching films on my own...... If I go to the cinema with a friend, I find it difficult to relax into the film because I'm constantly worrying whether the person I'm with is enjoying it or not.
And then there's the post movie discussion..... There's little more dispiriting an experience than coming out of a cinema having loved what you've seen, only to find your companion not quite so enamoured of it. In fact, if I've really enjoyed a film. I don't actually want to speak at all, I just want to privately savour my enthusiasm for it for as long as possible afterwards.
I don't really understand this whole going to the cinema as a social event anyway...... If you want to be "sociable" got to a bar or restaurant.... somewhere that you can actually, you know, talk and be "sociable".
This applies to home viewing too. If I'm visiting friends or family, the most spirit crushing phrase I can ever hear is, "I know, let's watch a DVD!" Ermmm, actually, let's effing not.......
All this also applies to television as well..... I only like watching that on my own too....

I really am Little Miss Sociable aren't I?
