Thursday 25 April 2013

No 4: Pants on Fire....

I never, ever, ever lie....... That of course is a lie. Not a big one admittedly, but a lie nonetheless.

My name is Marcus Castillian Noonan, and I Am A Liar. There, I've said it.....

I mainly use lying as a way of making life easier for myself. This could be to avoid confrontation (which I hate), to spare people's feelings, to get myself out of a sticky situation, or to avoid some unwanted responsibility.....

At work, I live a lie on a day to day basis. There's one aspect of my life that I'm quite embarrassed about, so to make myself seem less of a sad-act loser, I choose to tell untruths to my work colleagues. This may even include made up anecdotes about fictional incidents and people that don't actually exist.......

What's the biggest fib I've ever told.....? Ermm..... probably repeatedly telling somebody that I loved them when really, I knew that I didn't......

However, the second biggest whopper I ever told, did result in a friend of mine (who'd grown up believing she was an orphan) being reunited with her mother, moving to Los Angeles and subsequently becoming a successful film and T.V. actor..... If only I could tell you who it is..... But I can't....Sorry.

Anyhow, I've gotta go now, but bear in mind not everything in this post may be the truth..... In fact the whole piece might be completely made up.

Can anybody else smell burning.....?

I love you all!


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