Thursday 2 May 2013

No 6 - I'm Spartacus....

Just a quick one about the first series of Spartacus which I'm in the process of watching at the moment. So far it's proving to be really good fun..... I mean, it's no Game of Thrones (which I shall be writing about in a future post) or even the HBO series Rome (which I also liked a lot) but still very enjoyable nonetheless.....

Visually it's quite reminiscent of that ludicrously silly film 300, in that most of it is shot against green screen, but the technique is used very inventively and adds nicely to the heightened melodrama of the plot and action.

The term "sex and violence" could have been invented purely for this series, because it is fantastically violent (albeit with most of the blood CGI generated), and fabulously rude..... At times it resembles the sort of soft focus, soft core porn that was popular in the 1970's. Like Game of Thrones, it frequently makes use of the "sexposition" scene, whereby lots of slightly dull but relevant to the plot information can be imparted to the audience whilst the characters are "on the job", thereby making all that exposition seem ever so slightly less dull....

Acting wise, particular mention must go to Lucy Lawless and John Hannah who make an extremely entertaining double act as Lucretia and Batiatus, the cash strapped husband and wife owners of the Ludus (or Gladiator School). Viva Bianca, playing the lascivious Ilithyia is good value too.....

Of course one cannot help but mention the tragic passing of Andy Whitfield in the lead role, who died of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma soon after the first season was finished. Very sad indeed.......

So all in all, I'd recommend Spartacus: Blood and Sand. It's a little bit "soapy" at times, but generally, it's good, rude, bloody fun.

I thank you


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