Monday 29 July 2013

No 11 - I say nothing, I talk to no-one......

I haven't posted for a while because I literally have nothing to say about anything. I was planning on jotting down my thoughts on Game of Thrones for instance, but began to realise that I'd rather just watch the darn thing........ Same with Les Revanants. The Worlds End and A Field in England......
My life is completely event free. I go to work, come home, work on my "music", usually partake of some kind of alcohol, often fall asleep in the chair before dragging myself into bed at 2 or 3 in the morning..... Then get up again at 6 and go to work etc.......
I don't know where I'm going with this, but it's starting to slide precariously into self pity, which is never good. Somebody I know is always posting really mawkish blogs about how he can't get a girlfriend (boo hoo)  and it always makes for incredibly squirm inducing reading. Quite entertaining though, in the way that other people's self -inflicted (non) misery often is.....
Believe it or not, I do actually have someone that could loosely be described as "a girlfriend" although our relationship is hardly conventional. We rarely see each other for a start, but maybe that's a good thing..... It means we never get the chance to grow bored with each others company...... How people actually cope with living together I'll never understand..... Marriage looks like a self imposed prison sentence. I've always known, right from an early age, that I'd never get married or have children. And that's proved to be the case. I also suspected that I'd never have any meaningful kind of career which, alas, has also turned out to be true...... Ah well, them's the breaks....... No one to blame but myself etc. etc.......
I worry for my future though...... The cloud of gloom that's followed me all of my life, has grown even darker of late.
Never mind....
Well, I managed a few words after all.

 Here's a picture of some Daleks.....

Bye bye for now Saucepots!